The computer player you are allied with is about as dumb as a stump. this especially true when you have an ally to try to keep alive. Now all the above could be worked around EXCEPT the game almost never gives you enough units, time, or gold to actually have a chance to keep your required units alive. Figure about 3/4 of the time you will lose yours. So if one hit will knock each your unit and the computers out. (In fact this is generally true across the board no matter the unit.) Expect as well your foe will about 50-60% of the time get a hit back on you the first time around no matter your defensive rating. Expect to almost always miss the first attack. 4) Regularly, I have seen to many times with mages and others that have a 70% chance too hit. And in fact you have about a 50/50 chance of getting no hits.

Now your player with two attacks will almost never get two hits no matter what the chances (Unless you are in one of those stretch which favor you). More often than not he will get at least one hit. Problem is you rarely have even a second unit to spare let alone the ability to get it into position to attack.) 3) Many of your foes are things like Orc with 2 attacks. There will be stretches where you do very well (get beneficial rolls) and then stretches where you couldn't buy a hit (as in you need to get 2 hits with 4 attacks or else your critical unit is way exposed but you need this nasty gone, expect to regularly find yourself attacking with 4 units to finally get the second hit.
Battle for wesnoth review generator#
2) Random number generator for determining hits and attacks is anything but consistent. Whereas if the computer has a 40% chance to hit you expect it to be closer to 60 or 70% chance instead. if it in terrain that gives you a 40% catch to hit it then you usually get around a 40% chance. 1) forget about the supposed defense ratings.

Pro's-Well thought out stories, battles, Game play roughly balanced. if it in terrain that gives you a 40% catch to hit it then you usually get around a 40% Played off an on over several years always end up uninstalling. CONS-And these are big.ġ) forget about the supposed defense ratings. Played off an on over several years always end up uninstalling.