El siguiente en la lista fue el general Juan José Torres, asesinado por la Triple A en Argentina donde estaba exiliado. Erik Terrible Morales (terrible100) Janu❽e qué murió Rocky Valero El tijuanense perdió la vida a los 63 años de edad a consecuencia de complicaciones en su salud que se presentaron tras una neumonía.

Sobre él también había sospechas de que quería desplazar del gobierno a Banzer. That AOL invested $10 million in the fund did not help matters either. Joaquín Zenteno, excomandante de la séptimadivisión que combatió y capturó al Che, murió en 1976, asesinado por sicarios en París. The CrunchFund caused a stir because many saw it as a conflict of interest for Arrington to be running a venture fund when TechCrunch also reports on such firms. El legendario tetracampeón mexicano, Érik Morales, reveló tristemente el fallecimiento de Fernando ‘Ferny’ Morales, su primogénito, a la edad de 23 años, lo que ha conmocionado al mundo. Siegler reduced his responsibility to a weekly column. Many of the site’s biggest stars, from Paul Carr to Sarah Lacy to Jason Kincaid, have left over the past few months in the wake of the Arrington controversy. What Eldon fails to mention is that those hires were, in part, a result of a mass exodus. Personalidades que le enviaron condolencias a Erick Terrible Morales. Along with all of the other alumni, Erick deserves a lot of credit for what TechCrunch is today.” “Erick is an extremely experienced journalist and editor, he has worked hard to make the best of a very tough situation in recent months, and he’s done a great job of assembling a new team of young veterans - Sarah Perez, Josh Constine, Ingrid Lunden, Colleen Taylor, Eric Eldon (yes, apologies for speaking in the third person), and another person we’ll be announcing later this week. But things can change very quickly in the world of blogging, and Erick decided now is the best time for him to leave.

“When Erick and I talked about me joining TechCrunch last November, the circumstance today was obviously not on either of our minds.