Social buttons: A new plugin to be able to add the Facebook, Twitter and Google+ share and like/+1 buttons over the tour.Just like you already do with images and videos. Web Content spots: With Panotour Pro, you can now add any web page in a distorted spot in your tour, over a wall, a screen, etc.Miscellaneous Several other new features and improvements are offered in Panotour/Pro 2.5 including: Remember, you can now add hotspots but their positions are fixed in the sphere (or in the plane for planar video scenes) for the video duration. You can exit the video at any time by clicking/tapping on the hotspot located on the bottom.The video should play automatically on computers and you need to tap on the screen on mobile devices to launch it.Click on the 'star-shaped' hotspot named 'Vol au dessus d'Alpespace' which is located on the floor close to the pond.This virtual tour has been created by around our office in France.

You'll find below an example of a virtual tour including a 360 video as a scene. A fixed hotspot can be added in the video allowing the users to move to another still or video scene. You can also import several video files of different quality to make sure the video will be displayed on mobile devices with low bandwidth. You can simply import a video file as a new scene. With this new feature come 2 new plugins 'Video Control Bar' and a 'Video Progress Bar', and a new button combination in standard control bars 'Play/Pause' to play/pause the video. Standard video and 360 video support - Panotour Pro only Panotour Pro is now able to manage spherical and flat videos as standard scenes. How does it work - smartphone based HMD? Grab your smartphone and your HMD, click on the link below and take a look at the gallery, everything is explained. This new version of Panotour Pro comes with two new plugins, 'WebVR button' and 'Prev/Next Keys' enabling this new feature to be implemented in the virtual tour. Thank you to all the beta testers who provided their feedback, thoughts and bug reports! All Panotour/Panotour Pro 2.x users can download and try this new beta version without limitations! HMD support - Panotour Pro only Tours generated with Panotour Pro are now compatible with virtual reality HMD such as Cardboards, Homido, Zeiss VR One, ColorCrossVR, Oculus DK1 and DK2.

You will be able to find the Panotour Viewer changelog at the.
Panotour Viewer has also been updated, for all platforms: desktop, Android and iOS.
The final version of, our virtual tour creation software is out! This 2.5 version includes exciting new features in relation with 360 video, HMD and improvements to the user interface.

XML is crypted, so you cannot edit the tour’s generated files afterwards (Panotour Pro). Panotour Gallery Features Specifications.